The last three (3) blogs that I have written have dealt with two (2) adversaries that are epidemic in the business/entrepreneurial community. One is Depression* which affects 30% of us. The other is Loneliness** which is said that 50% of us struggle with. And throughout these three (3) blogs, suggestions on how to combat these silent adversaries were given. But these suggestions, though commonly prescribed as the right medicine for what ails us, are only Band-Aids. They deal with the symptom(s) but do not address the underlying cause.
Before I go any further, I want to be clear that the suggested Band-Aids are in and of themselves good things. The suggested Band-Aids are:
Keeping perspective – it may just be a time of challenging circumstances. And circumstances change.
Fostering community – connect with like-minded people who understand your journey.
Prioritizing relationships – carve out quality time for loved ones.
Embracing vulnerability – find that handful of people who are your ‘3 a.m. friends’
Taking care of yourself – what nurtures your physical, mental and spiritual health?
Not being afraid to ask for professional help.
All of those things are what we need to consider and may need to do.
But … and it’s a BIG BUT … they do not address the underlying cause. And anyone who has sought recovery for anything knows that not treating the underlying cause only means that ‘something’ will pop up again. Oh, what pops up may not look or feel like the initial problem … for we are smart enough (hopefully) not to repeat the same thing twice.
“Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and
Over Again and Expecting Different Results”
Albert Einstein
The underlying cause boils down to the fact that we are NOT being the people God designed us to be.
And what does that mean?
The answer comes in the form of a logical progression that goes:
We were created in God’s image.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27
We are not to misinterpret this to mean that we are like Him in the sense of being 'little gods' ourselves, but rather that we share some of His characteristics, although on a limited, finite scale.
One of God’s characteristics is that of a creator.
We have the same creative impulses that God has … we are co-creators with God.
But we have narrowly defined our co-creator role and limit it to anytime someone invents a new and better machine, writes a poem, creates a symphony, or reasons through a problem.
One of the greatest “things” that God created occurred when He sent Jesus down to earth to die for our sins. That created event drastically changed the trajectory of human life. We went from being outside of a relationship with God to being God’s adopted sons and daughters with a personal relationship with Him.
As people created in God’s image – as co-creators – I believe that we are to create trajectory changing “events” in and for the lives of others.
This means expanding our definition of our co-creator role by intentionally weaving our faith into our lives and businesses; and doing so in a way that results in the trajectory of the lives of others being drastically changed for the better.
By denying our responsibilities as co-creators in this way, we have what I can only describe as a ‘hole in our heart’. A hole that we have been for decades now been trying to fill with the world’s definitions of success – more money – more possession – more power – and the ‘more’ goes on and on. AND THE HOLE NEVER GETS FILLED!
It is the ‘hole in our hearts’ that is the underlying cause of many of the symptoms that are so epidemic.
And what does this mean?
It means that each of us needs to start exploring how to weave our faith into our lives and businesses and create trajectory changing components in both that truly impact the lives of others positively.
Not easy. No cookie cutter answer. But critical to finally fill the ‘holes in our hearts’.
Previous blog topics: